Flaxwood Festival Flaxwood Festival ... Profile
Flaxwood Festival .....  the greatest since Woodstock !
Tributes to Murray Wood and Hans Schuitman
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Anthony Easterbrook-Carter · Brendan Dugan · Cruise Control · Dixon McIvor · The Flaxwood Shadows · Graham Wardrop
Johnny Campbell + Detours · John Dunne · Marian Burns · Peter Caulton · Peter Nelson + Castaways · Red Hot and Dixie
Roy Phillips · Suzanne Lynch · Tamara Williams · The Woolston Brass

The name of this Festival was changed from Flaxton Festival to Flaxwood Festival in Murray Wood's perpetual honour.
Tributes to Murray Wood and Hans Schuitman

The Wolverines  —  Profile

  The Wolverines The Wolverines  
Click here for The Wolverines' official website .....

A Wolverines show is truly an experience ..... ardent supporters would say, it's simple ..... it's Wolverines Music, others might say that Rock 'n' Country probably comes closest, but the music ranges widely, from Kick-ass Texas Boogie through to soft, bluesy ballads - not to mention treatments of some of the best-known retro-classics and the sometimes less-than-tactful alternatives to a few of the most revered Aussie classics.  The Wolverines don't hide dressing rooms out back stroking their egos and getting up dutch courage - NO WAY!! - when they are not actually on stage, they are meeting, greeting and getting to know their audience on an individual level ..... The Wolverines are renowned for their genuine friendliness.  Looks can be deceiving ..... originally branded "The Bad Boys of Country" (could that have been because of their 'feral corporate' style of dressing, or their inexperience on the electric shaver front, or was it their penchant for Harley-Davidson Motorbikes and regalia ??)  These guys have proven themselves to be among the Music Industry's most generous supporters of childrens' and other deserving charities ..... the kids love 'em.